A Songwriting Journey
A Songwriting Journey
A song for graduation season

A song for graduation season

'Cheering You On' while finding a delicate balance between parenthood and creative pursuit

As we get close to the end-of-the-school-year, I thought it would be a good time to reflect on how fast time flies. 

This week, my youngest son is graduating eighth grade, which is our third and final graduation at the school our family has been connected to for the past 12 years. 

I’m grateful for this moment because I realize how precious life is and know that not everybody gets to celebrate these kinds of milestones. I think we all take so many things for granted but the older I get I realize that those moments that seem generic - like middle school graduations - are really precious. So if you are a parent or a relative or a friend of a graduate this year - enjoy this time and celebrate your loved one. 

This week’s song, which is called “Cheering You On,” is from 2020 and it felt appropriate to share it this week as families are going through this milestone of sending their kids out into the world as their teens graduate high school. 

It’s about the message that most parents try to transmit to their children - we’re there for you, we want the best for you. Since so much of child rearing is trying to prepare children how to live in the world, there tends to be a lot of what people may call nagging. Many reminders about how one should act or things that one should do. Clean your room, clear the table, say thank you, etc.

When children are really young, it’s hard to imagine that there will be a day when you won’t see your kids on a regular basis. That it’s a very real possibility that they will live far away and you only see them once or twice a year, if that. They’ll be busy with their own family, job, life. The time you have with them is a short amount of time in the scheme of things.

And while you may feel a little frustrated that you’re not able to find the time to pursue your own interests at this time because there’s a pre-algebra test or essay due in the coming week that you need to assist your child with or you have more camp forms to fill out so your own project is on hold yet another day, be patient with yourself if you don’t accomplish what you wanted to do. It’s all a delicate balance.

One reason I’m saying that is because there are a couple songs that I’ve been working on for weeks that I hope to share soon - if I can find the time to work on them. (It’s been a busy time, which is one reason why this post is so short… but I still have a song for you this week!)

Here’s “Cheering You On” from 2020. If you are celebrating any graduations this week, enjoy!

Cheering You On

I’ve got your back, I’ve got your forward
I’m here for any goal you’re moving toward
I’ve seen you grow, want you to know
I’m here rooting for ya

On those nights when you’re drowning in doubt
Losing sleep tryin’ to figure it out
Let me be clear, I’m here cheering you on
Now and beyond, I’ll be cheering you on

When you head out to find your way
I wish you peace and love and strength
When days turn dark, when you lose your spark
I’m here, holding a flame

On those nights when you’re drowning in doubt
Losing sleep tryin’ to figure it out
Let me be clear, I’m here cheering you on
From the crack of dawn, I’ll be cheering you on

It’s unconditional, unconditional
Nonreciprocal but that’s OK
You’ll understand someday

On those nights when you’re drowning in doubt
Losing sleep tryin’ to figure it out
Let me be clear, I’m here cheering you on
Even when I’m gone, I’ll be cheering you on.

© 2020 Leisah Woldoff

A Songwriting Journey
A Songwriting Journey
Hi, welcome to A Songwriting Journey, a podcast that celebrates the process and craft of songwriting. I’m your host, Leisah Woldoff. Tune in each week for songwriting inspiration and an original song.